Understanding Content Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

chart showing different types of digital marketingDigital Marketing:

  – Involves promoting products online through ads on websites, social media, and emails.

  – Focuses on reaching customers on platforms like Facebook and Google.

Content Marketing:

  – Shares valuable information through articles, videos, and social media posts.

  – Aims to build trust and attract people to your brand with helpful content.

Key Differences:

    Goal:  Digital marketing aims for immediate sales. Content marketing builds long-term relationships.

    Approach:  Digital marketing uses paid ads and campaigns. Content marketing focuses on creating valuable content.

chart showing different types of content marketing


  – Digital Marketing: Paid ads, email campaigns, SEO.

  – Content Marketing: Blog articles, how-to videos, engaging social media posts.

BUT content marketing is such a key part of SEO that I considering content marketing part of digital marketing. If you only consider the short term aspects of digital marketing you lose out on so many search engine views from users looking for faqs, blogs, videos and more.

Resources to learn more!

