RISE Fitness Studio

The business owner decided to part ways with their original franchise and start with a rebrand, including name, logo and website.

They wanted to ensure that they retained current clients, attracted new but ALSO made it clear that they didn’t close but, in fact, rebranded.


We ensured that RISE set up a communication plan, a redirect from the old brand and was able to continue to acquire clients from the old brand and bring them into the new.

While things like domain authority and keyword ranking were affected, both mAG and “RISE” feel confident that this rebranding was smooth, the client has retained clients and continues to grow business


  • Scheduled preliminary discovery call & regular bi-weekly meetings
  • Audited digital properties & search engine results
  • Created technical SEO checklist
  • Competitive research related to rebrand keywords
  • Keyword research and keyword targeting plan
  • Created a content plan for pre-change, notifications, continued updates and PR.

SEO case study graphic

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